These are ways to help you think faster, wiser and sharper

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I can offer guidance and strategies to help you improve your thinking skills. Here are some tips to think faster, wiser, sharper, and more precisely:

Faster Thinking:

  • Practice mental exercises like puzzles, brain teasers, and memory games.
  • Set time limits for tasks and challenges to simulate pressure.
  • Learn to prioritize and focus on key information.

Wiser Thinking:

  • Read widely and often to broaden your knowledge and perspectives.
  • Reflect on your experiences and learn from mistakes.
  • Seek diverse viewpoints and engage in constructive debates.

Sharper Thinking:

  • Develop a curious mindset and ask insightful questions.
  • Practice critical thinking by analyzing information objectively.
  • Learn to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant details.

Precise Thinking:

  • Focus on clarity and concision in your thoughts and communication.
  • Break down complex problems into manageable components.
  • Verify information through fact-checking and validation.

These are few ways you can teach people

You can teach others to think faster, wiser, sharper, and more precisely by using various methods and strategies. Here are some ideas:

1. Workshops and Training Sessions

  • Design interactive workshops focusing on critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making.
  • Use real-life scenarios and case studies to illustrate key concepts.

2. Mentorship and Coaching

  • Offer one-on-one guidance and support to help individuals set goals and develop personalized improvement plans.
  • Provide constructive feedback and encouragement.

3. Online Courses and Resources

  • Create video tutorials, blog posts, or podcasts sharing tips and strategies for improving thinking skills.
  • Share recommended books, articles, and tools for further learning.

4. Group Discussions and Debates

  • Organize regular group discussions on thought-provoking topics to encourage critical thinking and diverse perspectives.
  • Facilitate debates to help participants develop well-supported arguments.

5. Gamification and Challenges

  • Design games, quizzes, or challenges that test thinking skills, such as puzzles, brain teasers, or escape rooms.
  • Offer incentives for progress and achievements.

6. Real-World Applications

  • Help individuals connect theoretical concepts to practical, everyday situations.
  • Encourage them to apply new thinking skills in their personal and professional lives.

7. Feedback and Assessment

  • Regularly assess progress and provide constructive feedback.
  • Help individuals identify areas for improvement and develop strategies for growth.

Remember to be patient, supportive, and adaptable when teaching others. Everyone learns and develops at their own pace!

One gamification challenge game for you to teach people how to think faster, wiser, shaper and precise

Here’s a gamification challenge game for you to enjoy:

“Think Tank” Challenge

Objective: Improve your thinking skills by solving a series of puzzles and brain teasers within a set time limit.


  1. Set a timer for 20 minutes.
  2. Present a series of 5 challenges (see below).
  3. Participants must solve each challenge and submit their answers within the time limit.
  4. The participant who answers the most challenges correctly within the time limit wins.


  1. Faster Thinking: Solve this math problem: 43 × 27 = ?
  2. Wiser Thinking: A bat and a ball together cost $1.10. The bat costs $1.00 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?
  3. Sharper Thinking: Identify the pattern: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ?
  4. Precise Thinking: Read this passage and answer the question: “What is the main idea of the passage?”

Passage: “The city’s new public transportation system aims to reduce congestion and pollution. The system includes electric buses and expanded bike lanes.”

Question: What is the primary goal of the new transportation system?

  1. Bonus Challenge: Solve this riddle: “I am always coming but never arrive. What am I?”


  • 1 point for each correct answer (Challenges 1-4)
  • 2 points for correctly solving the Bonus Challenge

Tips and Variations:

  • Encourage participants to explain their reasoning for each answer.
  • Offer hints or guidance for participants who struggle with specific challenges.
  • Increase the difficulty level or add more challenges for advanced participants.
  • Create a leaderboard to track participants’ progress and encourage competition.

This game is designed to test various thinking skills, including math, problem-solving, pattern recognition, comprehension, and critical thinking. Feel free to adjust or modify the challenges to suit your audience’s needs.

Good luck to you!

The Answer to the Think Tank Challenge

Here are the answers to the “Think Tank” Challenge:

1. Faster Thinking: Solve this math problem: 43 × 27 = ?

Answer: 1161

2. Wiser Thinking: A bat and a ball together cost $1.10. The bat costs $1.00 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?

Answer: $0.10

Explanation: If the bat costs $1.00 more than the ball, and the total cost is $1.10, then the ball must cost $0.10.

3. Sharper Thinking: Identify the pattern: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ?

Answer: 32

Explanation: The pattern is obtained by doubling the previous term.

4. Precise Thinking: Read this passage and answer the question: “What is the main idea of the passage?”

Answer: To reduce congestion and pollution

Explanation: The passage mentions the city’s new public transportation system aims to reduce congestion and pollution.

5. Bonus Challenge: Solve this riddle: “I am always coming but never arrive. What am I?”


Explanation: Tomorrow is always coming, but it never actually arrives, because when it does, it becomes today!

I hope this helps! Let me know if you need further clarification or assistance.
