This is what I wish to find out and would like to do some experimentation.
I started to blog here and will share with you, how it will affect my brain performance after a few exercises.
This is the blog post I started today, July 14 Sunday 2024.
By writing down our thoughts, we can refer to them at a later stage in life and do some reflections. See what kind of thoughts we had in the past, and what moved us in our life journey. It is a good way to do our reflection.
It is important that when we do our blogging exercise, do not use any AI Tool fully. You may use it to inspire you or give you some ideas. But you should not rely mainly on AI. It may limit your imagination. I believe human imagination is much more powerful than existing AI knowledge (I cannot predict the future of AI power).
Freedom To Think What You Want
This is what I like about blogging. I can think freely without being judged by others about my thoughts. I can pin down all my thoughts, feelings, perspectives, and reasoning without offending anyone.
In my experience, there will always be someone who disagrees with you. It is OK for others to think differently than you. As long as your thoughts are not harmful, and it did not hurt others. You are free to think about it and take action on it.
The freedom to think what we want is a gift our heavenly God has given to us. So, use this gift that we have given and fully utilize them.

Take a look at the image above, the state of being alone and able to think freely is a wonderful experience you can always enjoy at any moment, anywhere in the world.
Think More Precisely
Blogging allow your thinking to be more precise. It will train your brain to think logically and focus on the thing you want to achieve more forecefully.
We tends to act on those thoughts we think most of the times. By directing our thoughts in the direction we wish it to happen, our life become much more fulfilling.
Image that you can achieve what you wish to have in your life, by acting on your thoughts every moment.
Fill your mind with the right thoughts, positive thoughts, feel good thoughts and you will tend to want to do it more.
I am doing my blogging exercise here on this website and I can feel that my thoughts has become more focus and precise. I now know more what I wish to achieve and what actions I should take.